Gather in community to collectively slow down and receive in this monthly sound healing experience.
With the vibratory assistance of over twenty-five instruments, a sound bath offers a way to soften the rough edges, let go of energy blockages and bring balance to the nervous system.
When we are in states of receiving, harmony and relaxation the being naturally moves into healing mode. We welcome you to open, rest and bask in the divine presence of being.
We gather every first Saturday of the month, from 6:30-8pm at Sol Health Yoga in Graham, WA. This experience is facilitated by Danny and Zoë and the suggested-donation for this offering is $35. All are welcome.
Please arrive at least 15 minutes early to set up your nest (bring yoga mat, blankets, pillows, eye covering or anything else to get nice and cozy).
***Once inside the ceremony space, please practice noble silence***
After you register with Sol Health Yoga, please make your donation by either bringing cash or check the day of or offering an online donation at:
Venmo: @Zoedonovan (7229)
***Please use "friends and family" option as Venmo and Paypal do not yet fully support non-profit organizations***

"It is our intention to hold space for sacred ritual, healing and the deepening of inner awareness through the experience of intentional sound." -Danny and Zoë, curators of Sacred Sonic Space