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Zoë Donovan

Sweet greetings to you! I'm Zoë, a being of light, dark and everything in between.


Simply put, I have decades worth of experience in putting love and compassion at the forefront when meeting the many layers within and I am now a travel companion for others wanting to dip into the one true heart that lives in each of us. 


I bring many tools that brigthen, heal and strengthen the innate inner-intelligence of the heart, as well tools for clearing out that which no longer serves the soul-consciousness that is us. 


After years and years of guiding experiences in healing, I am shown again and again that each of us is inherently powerful and each of us carries our own medicine within. If you are willing dive inward, it will show you the way.


Reclaiming this wild wisdom of the heart and using our tools of self-love and self-awareness is deeply needed. This is were my passion for this work comes from and it is why I feel so pulled and inspired to be there for others as they journey.


May we all feel and know that no matter how it may look, we are always on our path and each of us is truly loved and powerful.


deeply grateful,




My detailed history: 


When I was sixteen years old I received my first “self-help” book. High School and family life were full of challenge and confusion, yet I also had a deep sense hope and positivity, so learning about what I could do to help myself was on my radar early on.


Three years later, at 19, I began my first meditation course and a whole new world opened up. I started to get glimpses of expanded states of consciousness, of how powerful the mind is and how it can be directed towards the heart to nurture our inner well-being.


I remember hearing an eye opening quote that goes “The mind is a powerful servant but a horrible master.” and I began to realize that the more I paid attention to what was happening on the inside, the more I was able to direct my awareness and have a choice in how I felt and interacted with the world. This was a big deal after feeling stuck for such a long time.


My understandings deepened by majoring in psychology and then at 22, yoga and I found each other. Right away I was deeply drawn towards the self-awareness and self-study and from it I felt calmer in my heart, more grounded in my body and more connected than ever before.  The practice of going inward deeply had my attention. 


The rest of my twenties unfolded with more ups and downs, clarity and confusion, and thank goodness I had become a yoga teacher during this time because it kept a regular practice of yoga and meditation in my life. It helped me get through it all and it continually reminded me of why traveling inward is so powerful.  Especially during this time, I remember experiencing such deep gratitude for it.


So here I am now in my forties, still practicing daily and have picked up some valuable tools along the way.  Tools that have helped me through some very dark places, tools that helped see that the BS I picked up earlier in life was not mine or serving me and tools that empowered me to let it all go. Tools that without, I know I would not feel as grounded, aware and free as I do today. 


For 17 years I taught yoga and meditation and a decade of that was working with people one-on-one. Now, in addition to this Journey work, I am also a mom and facilitate monthly group sound baths with my husband, Sacred Sonic Space


The inner-waves still move and pulse within me, yet my ability to ride them with more ease and intelligence of the heart has grown. I know what it’s like to feel powerless and I know what it's like to remember that the power of life is always right here. 

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